Dear future self,

I'm writing this in my room that's still covered with floral bunting that looks like it belongs to a six year-old. I have too many clothes, too many books, and yet not enough.
I hope that wherever you are right now in your life, that you are happy and healthy; those are the two most important things.
So's nice to meet you. I guess we could say that you know me very well from the position you're in and you're probably reading this letter already knowing what comes next.

Tonight was (supposed) to be my, our, high school prom, but I didn't go. I can't say I regret it at this point and I hope you don't either. Don't regret anything - that's not what life is about. Keep looking, and moving, forward. Enjoy everyday, regardless of how things might turn out.

I hope that, by now, you have established yourself and what you want from life; but don't let this box you in. Continue to create new challenges and goals for yourself - an expected life isn't worth living. If I know anything about myself right now, I know that this is where I will start to scan for cringey sentences and grammar errors. But hey, I'm 16!
I hope the dreams that you had at 16 years old are laid out before you, or at least happening before your eyes. That you have written and published the book you have always tried to set out and write, that you have sang for thousands, that you have shared your art and photographs with many around the world. I know that you will be humble and kind, and let that be what drives you.
Forget about the beauty standards and the judgement that is passed through the clothes you wear and the paint on your face (although one could wish that this outlook on women had fallen away by now). Make sure that people see you for the kindness in your heart and the happiness in your actions. Let this inspire you to ignite happiness in others' lives.

In 10 years time, the physical place won't matter as much as the mental place that you are in.
I will try to grow into this vision of the strong-willed, warm-hearted woman I see in the future. I will steady my path, but take challenges along the way. I will grow and smile and call my family and make sure that they are a very important, and big, part of my life. I hope you've tried hundreds of new foods, listened to thousands of songs, watched millions of films and read a billion more books (well, maybe the numbers aren't that realistic but you get the idea).

But overall, regardless of what I've said in this letter, I just hope that you are living your own life, how you want and to your own expectations. I hope you haven't fallen into pleasing others at the cost of your own morals and judgement. I hope you are standing up for what you believe in and not letting others' opinions be somewhat of an excuse to stand in your own way.

I've lived 16 years of your life and I think it's fair enough to say: keep going, you're doing great. Trust me, you got through high school and everything that came with it in the past through years, it can't be that bad right now.

So, for the sake of my current mindset, and whatever yours may be at this moment in time, keep smiling and stay happy.

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  1. Wow! I love the style you've written this in and your words flow so smoothly! I loved reading this blogpost so thankyou.

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this.

    Sara |


Saturday 4 July 2015


Dear future self,

I'm writing this in my room that's still covered with floral bunting that looks like it belongs to a six year-old. I have too many clothes, too many books, and yet not enough.
I hope that wherever you are right now in your life, that you are happy and healthy; those are the two most important things.
So's nice to meet you. I guess we could say that you know me very well from the position you're in and you're probably reading this letter already knowing what comes next.

Tonight was (supposed) to be my, our, high school prom, but I didn't go. I can't say I regret it at this point and I hope you don't either. Don't regret anything - that's not what life is about. Keep looking, and moving, forward. Enjoy everyday, regardless of how things might turn out.

I hope that, by now, you have established yourself and what you want from life; but don't let this box you in. Continue to create new challenges and goals for yourself - an expected life isn't worth living. If I know anything about myself right now, I know that this is where I will start to scan for cringey sentences and grammar errors. But hey, I'm 16!
I hope the dreams that you had at 16 years old are laid out before you, or at least happening before your eyes. That you have written and published the book you have always tried to set out and write, that you have sang for thousands, that you have shared your art and photographs with many around the world. I know that you will be humble and kind, and let that be what drives you.
Forget about the beauty standards and the judgement that is passed through the clothes you wear and the paint on your face (although one could wish that this outlook on women had fallen away by now). Make sure that people see you for the kindness in your heart and the happiness in your actions. Let this inspire you to ignite happiness in others' lives.

In 10 years time, the physical place won't matter as much as the mental place that you are in.
I will try to grow into this vision of the strong-willed, warm-hearted woman I see in the future. I will steady my path, but take challenges along the way. I will grow and smile and call my family and make sure that they are a very important, and big, part of my life. I hope you've tried hundreds of new foods, listened to thousands of songs, watched millions of films and read a billion more books (well, maybe the numbers aren't that realistic but you get the idea).

But overall, regardless of what I've said in this letter, I just hope that you are living your own life, how you want and to your own expectations. I hope you haven't fallen into pleasing others at the cost of your own morals and judgement. I hope you are standing up for what you believe in and not letting others' opinions be somewhat of an excuse to stand in your own way.

I've lived 16 years of your life and I think it's fair enough to say: keep going, you're doing great. Trust me, you got through high school and everything that came with it in the past through years, it can't be that bad right now.

So, for the sake of my current mindset, and whatever yours may be at this moment in time, keep smiling and stay happy.


  1. Wow! I love the style you've written this in and your words flow so smoothly! I loved reading this blogpost so thankyou.

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this.

    Sara |
