Positive Post


Sunday 10 August 2014


I'm Sara (pronounced Sarah)
I'm a 16 year old girl trying to make her mark in the world

Hey there people of the internet! ...if there's anyone there, that is.

I'm planning to start this blog in anticipation of the new year. I feel like this blog could be a new start for me. A way for me to write down my thoughts and feelings, and possibly meet someone who can relate (it would be nice to not feel like the only teenage girl who deals with things this way!).

There has been many situations in my life where I have done silly (but hilarious!) things because I have had a crush on someone, or just in any kind of situation, and my friends have looked at me as if I'm from another planet! Yet, when I constantly read books, it feels as if the clumsy main character could be me. I wonder if there's anyone else out there who feels like that? Well, I hope so. So that's what I'm going to do on this blog. I'm going to use it as a diary to just write. Whether it be about my clumsiness and whatever it has gotten me into now, or just general questions. So, if you're here now, I hope you're along for the ride.

Things that make me happy:

❤ 5sos
❤ Writing in my journal
❤ Meeting new people (Instagram besties, hey there!)
❤ Hats
❤ Rain
❤ Hugs
❤ Candles
❤ Long walks
❤ Road trips
❤ Making other people's day
❤ Sweet messages
❤ 'Lovehearts' sweets
❤ Starry nights
❤ Starbucks

Things that make me sad:

❤ War and conflict
❤ Loss
❤ Leaving something I enjoy
❤ Change (for the worse)
❤ Finishing a book I love
❤ Concerts selling out before I buy tickets
❤ No free WiFi
❤ Too much vinegar on my chips
❤ General judgemental attitudes

Favourite songs:

❤ 5SOS - English Love Affair
❤ Coasts - A Rush of Blood
❤ 5SOS - End Up Here
❤ The XX - Crystalised
❤ Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?
❤ The Strypes - Blue Collar Jane
❤ ZZ Ward - Last Love Song
❤ ABBA - Dancing Queen
❤ Saint Raymond - Everything She Wants

Favourite books:

❤ Jane Austen - Emma
❤ Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre
❤ E.B.White - Charlotte's Webb

❤ Ally Carter - Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy
❤ Lauren Oliver - Delirium
❤ Sophie McKenzie - Defy the Stars
❤ Vicky Alvear Shecter - Pompeii: Curse and Smoke 

Favourite Movies:

♥ Beauty and the Beast
♥ Frozen
♥ Wreck-It Ralph
♥ Bandslam
♥ Lemonade Mouth
♥ Camp Rock
♥ St Trinians
♥ The Proposal

Favourite Songs:

♥ Every 5SOS song
♥ Girl Almighty - One Direction
♥ Everything She Wants - Saint Raymond
♥ Superman - Joe Brooks
♥ I Wouldn't Mind - He is We
♥ Something I need - (Ben Haenow version!)
♥ Wonderful - Janet Devlin
♥ Style - Taylor Swift

Favourite TV shows:

♥ Switched at Birth
♥ Pretty Little Liars
♥ Selfie
♥ The Vampire Diaries
♥ Teen Wolf♥ The Originals
♥ Ravenswood♥ The Carrie Diaries

♥ Gotham

What I do in my free time:

❤ I have a Tumblr Addiction
❤ I love to write on Wattpad
❤ I Instagram everything in my life
❤ My life is basically spent on the internet
❤ Watching youtubers
❤ doodling in my journal
❤ writing songs
❤ singing
❤ reading
❤ Disney fanatic!
❤ How to Train Your Dragon
❤ listening to 5 Seconds of Summer
❤ Watching: Teen Wolf, Pretty Little Liars, Sherlock, Chasing Life, Liv and Maddie, Violetta and New Girl

So hopefully now you know a bit more about me and what to expect on my blog.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about 

learning to dance in the rain"

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